Friday, February 6, 2009


Today was a halfway decent day, but once again I'm typing this with only a little bit of day to spare, so let's get rolling.

Themes in Lit was interesting. How many times can you chew people out over the same thing before it gets old for you? We got to watch some more of the newer War of the Worlds, but only got so far. Dakota Fanning yelling out "IS IT THE TERRORISTS" was hilarious.
AP Psych was sort of boring. We went over our next project and that was about it. Although, IO and I got Tierney to play the face game with us, but the face ended up getting a body and it was weird.
Lunch was hilarious. For Tucker, IO, and myself at least. We still don't know why we were laughing so hard at it though.
Mass Media was ok, even without Schoeff there, even though I did miss her. We just had busy work the entire time, although now we know about a Hitler Disco, and I wish I remembered the whole title.
Econ was short because of the Pep Session, but we skipped SSR. We learned more about supply, and mixed it together to get Supply and Demand, go figure.
We got released for the Pep session, and I immediately went to the sound booth to help. It was boring, but then again it was a pep session.
Afterwards I helped tear down the portable sound box and took it back to the audiotorium.

See you monday

<3 Peace

Postscript: I was gonna get a different pic, but after I took this one, the camera kept lying and said the memory stick didn't exist. So there, a scene from the pep session.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quick Typing

It's 11:30 PM. I only have a half hour to type this *walks away*

Anywho, today was a decent day depending on which points of it I was at, but it was alright, I guess.
We had a sub in German, which allowed us to sit near friends, which was awesome, but he was full of s*** and kept making random racist comments about Europe that were failed attempts at being humorous. The only time he really was was after an assistance from me, saying someone was 26. He told us his name was Ed...
Anywho, English was alright. We're not doing Poetry anymore, but are moving towards Slave Narratives. In the end, we just took some notes, and had a half hour to ourselves.
Lunch was fun. Just overall fun. Couldn't get Kasey to join us because of Batka, but got to hang out with them probably equal time than with my table. Plus bosco sticks win.
Film Lit was alright. Got the same spiel we did in Themes and then watched more of Citizen Kane. If she chewed people out less, then maybe we would've gotten it finished.
Earth/Space was alright. Easy test. Majorly easy. And I had gotten the vocab done before the test, so I just read Maltese Falcon for the rest of class.

CSz meeting after school, then rehearsal. Better time today though. I guess.
The roads suck...

<3 Peace

Postscripts: I was taking random pics, and this one of Andy made me laugh, so I kept it.


Everyone's birthday was today. As later told in AP Psych.

Anywho, the morning went by fast. Why? 2 hour delay. Got to school at 9:25 am and hung out with Kasey and Anthony until we went to class.

Themes in Lit, we got chewed out then started watching the new War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise. Didn't get far because of the schedule, but we'll continue next time.
At the beginning of AP Psych, IO wrote a list of people's names on the board for their birthdays being on 2/4
I laughed.
Lunch was good. Tucker and I dragged Kasey to sit with us, who brought nothing to the table, but we'll get her to next time. Also, because of the 2 hour delay, Liz got to sit with us, which was awesome.
Mass Media, we had the test, which I found amazingly easy. It was great. Afterwards, I asked IO to draw a picture for me seeing as how Carie wasn't there, and she did, which I used for the pic today. Schoeff gave us our presentations back and I got 100%. Also our vocab. I missed one because I crossed it out and forgot to replace it with a letter...
Econ was cool. Dickerson, Ryan, and I were discussing the most random things while we were doing our work. Also, Polar Pops are inelastic, just so you know.

Went to the Planetarium for one of the three normal homework visits and learned stuff I knew. But it was cool nonetheless.
Then I went to Rehearsal, already in place.
Then home.
Where I watched Eagle Eye. Awesome movie.

<3 Peace

Postscript: IO's drawing. The scanner cut it off no matter what, but it says "I FREAKING LOVE TREEFROGS at the top. I'm just happy because the "I am the moon!" is still there.


This entire day, we believed that we were going to go home early and the next day would be another school closing. We were almost right in the end.

German was alright, if not boring. However, at one point, inspiration came to me and I started writing this amazing poem that I posted up on DA. There's a supplement to it, but it will never be read past the two people who have read it and the one I've yet to show.
English was boring. Emily Dickinson was just depressing. Her whole life. Depressing.
Even lunch was boring, even though I love my Gold day lunch people.
Film Lit was alright. We watched some of Citizen Kane which will probably always be regarded as one of the best classics of all time, and I fully agree with it. It was a very personal attack on someone at the time, but in the end, it gained the attention that it deserved.
Between Film and Earth Science, we learned that we would get out of school at 2:45. And we did. Needless to say, Earth Science went by slowly nonetheless, but the work is easy. Drivers left at 2:45, and I was out of the parking lot at 3:10. Twenty five minutes...Yeesh.

Went home, watched a movie, went to bed. Nothing else really.

<3 Peace

Postscript: For once, I didn't want IO to pose, and Carie wasn't either, so win-win.


Original Title: "Joe Butt Said I have a Silly Switch"

2/2/09 was an awesome day, and I wish I had the picture for it so that I would've remembered everything. It was amazing, and distracted me completely from any negative thoughts at the time.

Themes in Lit was alright that day. It was the low point of my day, actually, which is surprising, but then again Mrs. Parker is going a bit crazy...
Second period is when it started to go awesome. AP Psych is an awesome class by itself, but it's better when I get the chance to hang out with IO. After getting our sources written down, IO and I found random personality surveys, and on whatever one she was on, she got ENPF, and it had a short article by a guy named Joe Butt. In it, Joe Butt said that ENPF people have "silly switches", causing IO to yell, "Joe Butt says I have a silly switch!" It was great.
Before lunch and during lunch, IO kept telling people about her having a silly switch, and lunch was just awesome overall.
In Mass Media, Schoeff had us split into groups for Mass Media Unit 1 Jeopardy! and IO and I made it our personal goal to beat everyone in the class combined. And not only did we do that with 3600 points, we almost doubled everyone else's scores combined. She owes us candy for that.
After Mass Media, I didn't have IO in class anymore, so that part of the day went away, but I did have Econ. And I'm not entirely sure what we did that day besides learning the first part of the Demand chapter.

After school, we had rehearsal and then I went home. Rehearsal wasn't all that great, so 'm not writing anything.

Anywho, I hope this satisfys people who wanted more in these.

<3 Peace

Postscript: Tucker and IO at lunch. IO wanted to cross her eyes and stick out her tongue, and Tucker is just looking lost in thought

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friggin Snow

Got to school at 7:30, which I figure is a good time for it. Went into the library and did my Mass Media homework. I love that class.

Themes in Lit was alright. We finished the War of the Worlds panic film. It gave away the ending to another movie we're watching in Film Lit though...
AP Psych was alright, but I hate when we just kinda sit there the whole time.
Lunch was awesome.
Mass Media was awesome like always. Well, not always, sometimes it's dull, but it was cool. I think IO and I did amazing on our project presentation, and Schoeff believes that even though I already love the class, I won't be fully in love until we get to advertisement.
Econ was alright. Video presentation, and watching another game of Egyptian Rat Screw. That was hilarious. We got out slightly early too, but it didn't really matter.

It was really snowy. And difficult to get home. Then I got my hair cut.

<3 Peace

Postscript: Logan, Anthony, Kasey, and Carie standing out in the bitter coldness. Evan was in Carie's car, and I was taking the picture.


German was good. The education of it, the actual class sucks. Everyone that I would talk to on a normal basis that's not PK is across the room and distracted, and PK just says random things, and I like conversations.
English was alright too. I'm tired of poetry units in high school though.
Lunch was alright.
We finished watching clips in Film Lit, but that just makes me worry about next time.
Earth/Space was decent, but only because of the experiment we did. Other classes didn't get it finished, which is weird because of how easy it was.

After school, we had rehearsal, which sucks...
I mean doesn't.


<3 Peace

Postscript: Let's hope no one who can fire the dude sees this